Strong Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges

Domestic violence charges are serious. They can result in a parent being permanently separated from his or her children. Whether you are seeking protection from an abusive spouse or partner, or you are facing a restraining order against you, contact us at R.S.C. Law Group, Inc. From our office in Monterey, California, one of our highly regarded team of family law attorneys will work with you to ensure fair treatment in family court.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or if you have been accused of abuse, call us in Monterey County at 831-275-0987 immediately. Your time to take legal action may be limited.

How Do Restraining Orders Work In California?

Also known as a protective order, a restraining order is a court order restricting a person’s access to another person. Often, the court will issue a restraining order because the person requesting it is being stalked or abused by the other person. In California, restraining orders can include all or some of the following three orders:

  • Personal conduct order
  • Stay-away order
  • Residence exclusion

In other words, the restraining order can require the subject not to visit the victim; not to harass, threaten, disturb or assault the victim; and to move out of the home the subject shares with the victim. Once the restraining order is in place, the restrained person can be punished by up to five days in jail for each violation.

Contact Our Domestic Relations Law Firm Today. 831-275-0987.

Our lawyers have represented both victims of abuse and people accused of domestic violence in Monterey County for more than 55 years combined. We know the procedures for obtaining and contesting a restraining order and will work diligently to make sure everyone’s rights are respected in court. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation.